When I started my blog, I wanted it as a space to talk about anything lifestyle/beauty/fashion related in the context of students. As I know first hand that trying to keep up with all the fashion trends and newest products is hard when you are also writing essays every other day. But I also wanted it as a space where I could talk about other topics that might help some people out. So I've decided to start this series:
"Let's talk about..."
I want to cover a lot of subjects from money to friends to periods, all in the hope that I can help someone who may be struggling. Calling it 'let's talk about...' was on purpose because I want anyone reading my blog to feel comfortable talking to me about any of these subjects if they wish. Whether that's a comment on the post or a private email, I'm always here to talk.
Today is the first in the series and I'm going to be talking about makeup. Not as in the best products or how to put it on, more different misconceptions about makeup and what it's like wearing it as a teen. As a teenage beauty blogger who has a desire to be a professional makeup artist, I feel like my views may be a little bias. If you disagree or want to add to something I say, please comment! I love to hear other opinions.
First, a little background on my discovery of makeup.
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The start of my addiction. |
I started properly wearing makeup when I was 13 I guess? I went through stages of cakey orange foundation to watery thin foundation, depending on what I could afford or what was on sale. Over time I started watching less and less 'vloggers' and more and more makeup artists on YouTube. I did consider doing makeup and beauty at college but decided against it as I thought pursuing A levels and University was more important at the time; makeup artistry could wait. And that's where I am now, going into my second year of Sixth Form. But always on the look out for opportunities to improve my makeup skills or work somewhere that utilises my 'beauty knowledge.'
I guess it was getting into makeup so early that created a negative stigma around it for my parents, that hadn't actually faded until recently. I was a young girl trying (and failing) to recreate makeup looks that 20 year olds were posting, it was always going to look bad. I watched these videos as a lifestyle so I knew so much about makeup that I found it weird that my parents thought it was bad, not the 'norm.' These videos were positive, almost magical to me but when I tried it, I'd get shouted at. Called a 'stupid little girl' for trying something that I adored.
As a teenage girl, it seems as if you can never get it right when it comes to makeup. Wear too much and you're a 'whore', 'attention seeker' or 'self conscious'. Wear too little and you're 'weird', 'young looking' or 'over confident.' Are you kidding society?!
I guess I see makeup a different way to my parents. They see it as a mask, something I use to look like someone I'm not as I'm not 'confident enough in my own skin.' Actually, like most other teenage girls, I'm not 100% confident in my own skin but I don't hate myself. I struggle from incredibly dark under eye circles and I am certain that if I didn't, I would not wear half as much makeup. But as long as I've got enough concealer on to cover my under eye circles, I can go out no problem.
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Foundation bro. Not a mask. |
I do not use makeup as a mask.
Firstly, I find applying makeup and trying new looks or products fun. Makeup can be an art form and a beautiful one at that.
Secondly, I do have some imperfections and feel a lot more confident in myself when they are covered. This is not meant in a big headed way at all and if you wear makeup then you will know what I mean... But there is no greater feeling than walking through a crowded space and feeling confident in yourself because you know you look great. Some people use shoes to achieve this feeling. Some people use clothes. I use makeup. As I said, as long as I have concealer on, I would not feel embarrassed of myself in public. But there's a big difference between 'not feeling embarrassed' and feeling 'confident'; I would pick confidence every time.
I was talking to my friends about this as we did out makeup before a party and we all agreed on something that kind of scared me. I feel more like myself when I have makeup on than when I don't. Okay don't start ranting about how that's so awful, I know that it's bad. But in the end I prefer myself when I'm confident and feel like a mother f*kin boss. Simples. Also, we all know there's a gradient to makeup. I feel most myself when I have natural makeup on. This is concealer, maybe a BB or foundation, eyebrows, mascara and a thin line of eyeliner. But sometimes I add full coverage foundation, eye shadow, winged liner, contouring and lipstick. This is when I feel my makeup looks the best, most badass, but I also know I don't look exactly 'natural' when I do this. Do you know what though... I still love it.
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Demi. Beautiful & confident with or without makeup |
Another subject I'm going to touch on is makeup shaming, or shaming of any kind really. This whole thing where people are shaming girls for looking different when she has not got makeup on. Do you know what, people like that are gross. (Sorry for the harsh words.) If a girl looks good with makeup on then the internet should support her. Omg makeup is hard to master and some of these girls being shamed are amazing at makeup and shouldn't be shamed for how skilled they are.
Secondly, do we think all celebrities and models look the same with and without makeup? True, everyone is beautiful both ways but celebrities who we idolise have there makeup done for about 2 hours before appearing at an event.
Thirdly, if this girl is confident enough without makeup to show her 'naked' face online then it's disgusting she is being shamed for it. Not many people have that confidence and by shaming her online, as a society we are literally tearing down any confidence she has.
It also makes other girls that wear a lot of makeup feel worse about how they look without makeup. Cos do you know what, sometimes it's really depressing knowing that you look better with products on your face rather than naturally.
Okay that's my rant over but I hope it kinda got you thinking about your own view on makeup and makeup shaming. I kind of wanted some different perspectives so thought I'd speak to someone else about it.
I spoke to Sade Reyes; Youtube vlogger and author of Pumps of the Playground about her views on makeup.
1. What got you into makeup?
I love make-up because of the process. It's therapeutic and a great opportunity to be creative. I can be as dramatic or natural as I want. To me it's simply a form of expression and an unappreciated art.
2. How did you get into makeup?
I started wearing makeup at a very young age. I started dancing ballet at the age of 4 and really got serious with dance at the age of 8, which means I was performing a lot so to keep from looking so washed out on stage, my mother would apply blush, eye shadow and bright red lipstick on me. I fell in love with it! It wasn't too out of the norm for me to be seen in makeup because I basically lived on stage!
3. Why do you like makeup?
Now that i'm older, it's all about the process. I love the preparation of getting my skin prepped and primed and then going to work on my face! I ALWAYS listen to the rapper Drake while I do my makeup because I love his music and he just has a way of making a woman feel beautiful! I never rush my makeup even now that I have two children. They know that's mommy's time!
4. What would you say to someone who thinks makeup is 'cheating' or 'fake'?
I've always thought it was funny when people say wearing makeup is faking your beauty or lying to people about how you really look. To me its fashion and a fun way to ENHANCE the beauty you already have. And if you actually think I was ruby red lips naturally then that's on you! I feel beautiful with or without makeup but I prefer to dress up my face just like people dress up their body in nice clothes. Nothing wrong with that!
5. Have you seen the newest 'makeup shaming' trend online? If you have, what are your thoughts?
I think makeup shaming people is the worst because you never know why someone is wearing makeup. Some people wear it as a fashion statement, some people wear it to cover scars that will never go away, and some people wear it because of acne. Being someone who use to wear tons of makeup to cover my acne when I was in high school and then still getting made fun of, it really killed my self esteem. I felt as though no matter what I did, I wasn't pretty enough. I think it's just another way for people to bully other people. If makeup isn't your thing that's fine but don't try to bring down people who do wear it.
6. What misconceptions are you most annoyed about when it comes to makeup?
The misconception that I hate the most is that women who wear makeup have low self esteem so they need makeup to feel better about themselves. I have tons of self esteem and now that i'm older and have really grown into the woman I am and know myself and who I am in this world, I use makeup to enhance my beauty, to express myself, and it's just super fun!
7. Would you encourage family to wear makeup?
I'm 25 now and have a daughter who is almost 9 months old. She's absolutely gorgeous and we tell her that every day. I can speak on this subject not only as a young woman but also as a mother to a daughter. When my daughter Tiana gets older and wants to wear makeup I will let her. I don't see anything wrong with it. Of course, it will be age appropriate so she wont be in middle school with a full face beat the the makeup gods but if she wants to experiment or play dress up with me just for fun I will allow it. I feel if you forbid your daughter from wearing it, she will sneak it, but if you are open and upfront about it they are more likely to wait it out until they are a bit older. In my opinion, i think at the age of 15 is totally fine to start wearing makeup every day. Maybe not heavy foundation but some eye shadow, pretty lipsticks and glosses, and blush are fine. Of course, i want my daughter to follow in my footsteps and dance so she will most likely fall in love with makeup at an early age like I did!
Thank you so much for the help Sade, check her out here!
I'd love to hear and discuss this topic so leave a comment below. I know this whole post felt kind of ranty, I guess I'm pretty passionate about this topic. I also wanted to explain how I got into makeup as it's a big topic on my blog. Hope you enjoyed and see you next time,
This is such a great, I thoroughly enjoyed reading and agree with your views completely. I didn't start wearing makeup including foundation until I was about 14 and ever since then I relied on it to cover my acne, and would not go anywhere without it. But, I feel that as I have gotten older I feel more confident in my self and I'm slowly trying to go 'natural' by wearing less and less makeup each day! I think 'makeup shaming' is a terrible thing to do, and people don't understand how it can severely rock someone's confidence because people wear makeup for many different reasons. I love makeup and how it can help you in certain ways. Sorry, I feel like I am ranting back at you now haha I just really appreciate your post and I can't wait to read more in the future! :) xx
Thank you so much for the comment, it's so amazing! No I love to hear a little rant, shows your passionate! Yeah I am trying to wear more natural makeup myself but I agree that the main problem is that people don't understand other people's situation and how it can effect them!
ReplyDeleteThank you for reading, I'm so glad you enjoyed it! I was a bit nervous because it's a bit more of a personal topic but now I'm excited to write more in the same style!
Laura xx
This was a great, inspiring post. Agree with whatever you said. I used to watch SWalkerMakeup as well back in high school. I haven't caught up with her in ages, maybe I'll do today and see what has changed.
ReplyDelete-Wildfire Charm
Thank you, I'm glad you liked it! Same actually, it would be interesting to see what she's like now. I'll join you with that x