About me


As you can probably tell, my names Laura. 

I'm a 20 year old student, studying way up north in Leeds. I am currently in my first year, after taking a year out to figure out what I want to do, doing a ski season and a bit of travelling. I study history and politics and I've got to say, I absolutely love it!! I know it's not everyone's favourite subject but get me a cup of tea and talk to me about modern political history and I am a happy bunny. 

If you've just come across my blog, welcome! And bare with. I'm working on producing some really worth while content and working on other skills to help develop my blog. I love the blogging community and welcome all kind of interactions. 

Enough babbling. Let's get down to business. Here are some facts about me. 

- I'm a massive Potterhead (although not following the new developments, sorry!) 

- I'm a cheesecake, brownie and salted caramel enthusiast. A massive cheese expert and just love food in general. Especially since going to uni, I really enjoy planning and cooking my own food. 

- I skiiiiiii and had an amazing, life changing experience on a ski season in winter 2018. Very excited to blog about it.

- My aim this year is to be as environmentally conscious as I can and it drives a lot of what I do (from transport to shopping.) I love getting advice and new ways I can improve so hit me up if you wanna talk eco!

I absolutely love writing, I always have and I (probably), always will. I can't do maths and I struggle a bit with science so writing is my academic skill and passion. My blog has gone through a bit of a journey. I started it when I was 15 and abandoned it for about a year and half while my life got a tad busy. So some of my older posts may be questionable but I put a lot of work into them back in the day so they're staying put.

Thank you for reading, that just about sums me up. I hope you have a lil look around and feel free to chat anytime, it's one of my favourite past times.

Laura x

EMAIL: laurastone200@gmail.com
TWITTER: laurastone_
BLOGLOVIN': The Savvy Student
PINTEREST: The Savvy Student

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