Wednesday, 27 May 2015

Breakfast ya'll

Whether you've got a day of studying, lectures or running, eating the right thing in the morning is so important. It's especially crucial on days of exams: we all know that your brain works a lot better when your stomach is full.

So why do most of us not have anything for breakfast? Time, convenience, laziness? I'll confess to all 3, for years I was one of those people that didn't eat anything in the mornings- the most I would have was a couple of bourbons on the way to school. But in year 10 I realised I couldn't concentrate properly in class, let alone in exams, on an empty stomach. That's my story over. Basically today I'm going to be talking about the best (and most tasty) breakfasts' for studying and working out... lets get straight into it!

Eating before exams
As we enter peak exam season, everything is revolving about those important tests (par the lucky few.) I spoke about the importance of not skipping meals in my exam stress post (here), but what should those meals be? Breakfast before an exam is crucial to 'maintain your optimum performance.' Basically, eat as well as possible so you can do as well as possible.

I did my research so I could give you guys the best information I could, here's what I found out.

You probably guessed it, eggs are a great choice before an exam. They contain a nutrient called choline which is thought to help your cognitive performance. Eggs are also very high in protein so fill you up and keep you filled for hours. If you have never experienced your stomach grumbling in an exam, you might not appreciate that, but if you have (I'm sorry), you will get me.

Scrambled eggs are my favourite and super quick in the microwave (perfect if you're in a rush.)  My way is simple: whisk 2 eggs with butter and milk. Put in microwave (1000) for 30 second bursts, mixing each time, until you get the consistency you like. I personally love scrambled eggs with bagels, but any combination of toast, muffins or croissants can work.

Again, another obvious winner is oatmeal. Whether you like it or not, oats are rich in fiber and are known as 'slow-burn carbohydrates' so will keep you filled for ages. You might think oats are a bit boring at first but mix with nutella, fruit or honey and you will definitely think otherwise.

Smoothies are another fun breakfast idea that are great before important days. The abundance of fruit means they are packed with vitamins, minerals, fiber and protein. For a breakfast smoothie, I suggest using your favourite fruits (strawberries, bananas, apples and blueberries all work well), mixing in some dry oats for protein & carbs and finally some crushed nuts. The extra nuts and oats will make the smoothie more substantial but the fruit will make it delicious. I suggest preparing the fruit (and other ingredients) the night before so you only have to blend them in the morning.

You could have an all fruit smoothie paired with wholemeal toast as your breakfast as the toast provides the carbohydrates that will give you energy. Or you could take an all fruit smoothie into school with you to drink a bit before the exam. This gives you energy as well as stopping you from getting either hungry or thirsty during the exam.

Breakfast before a workout

Whether you're going to the gym or on your morning jog, eating before you workout is crucial. Specifically carbs. Eating a well balanced breakfast or snack 1 hour-30 minutes before your workout provides the energy you need to sustain your movements throughout.

A great breakfast before a workout it banana and peanut butter on toast. The banana provides the potassium and protein that is needed whilst the toast is your carbohydrates. Peanut butter is sweet but it is easy to digest (plus makes it something you would like to eat.)

Another alternative is yogurt and fruits. Greek yogurt provides both carbs and protein to keep you going whilst the added fruit contain natural sugar for an extra energy boost. It light and easy to eat so will not weigh you down whilst you're trying to run.

Just like before studying, a smoothie is also a great breakfast before a workout. But this time, a high protein smoothie would probably be more appropriate. If you have protein powder, that is perfect. Blend your favourite fruit  with water and a scoop of protein powder. The fruit makes it delicious while the protein powder supplies the obvious ingredients you'll need before working out.
That's it for now guys, I hope this helped some of you out and inspired some more creative breakfast ideas. I'm not saying cereal is bad, I'm saying you could do a lot better! Just remember that eating before any big event is vital. You will benefit more from eating a good breakfast before an exam than trying to last minute cram and forgetting about eating all together.
Good luck and see you next time,
Laura Stone x

Don't remember to share this post if you liked it, it means the world to me.


  1. I love having fruit in the morning I find it so refreshing! Add in some oatmeal and it's perfect before an exam! Love these! X

    Cara Delevinge inspired look over at-

    1. Totally agree, fruit in the morning is delicious!! Thank you, glad you enjoyed :)

      Laura Stone x

  2. Just found your blog on twitter. I work with many college students, so I love the idea of your blog! Looking forward to more post!

    1. Thank you so much, I'm glad you like it. That means a lot,

      Laura Stone x
